Image of John and Kayleigh wearing Herbalife cycle tops

In conversation with: John Fielding

Interviewed by Sally-Anne Rogers

‘We met Gemma at a local networking event a few years ago’ John begins. ‘After a brief conversation we felt she immediately understood the perceived risk of the world Kay-Leigh and I were in.’

‘A meeting was arranged to discuss our financial needs, where Gemma explained everything to us in a way we both understood.’ Continues John. ‘It was so obvious that she didn’t operate on a one size fits all template, and we immediately felt real synergy between us. She cares about wealth in the same way we care about health.

John’s Story

My first venture into business in 2008, was to introduce a concept which would completely change the way the care system worked. The idea was to create what was, essentially, a ‘dating agency’ for anyone looking for care. This way carers could be matched to both the needs and the personalities of those looking for help.’

‘My partner and I built an impactful and effective business valued at £8 million; we employed around 500 people, all providing care. Sadly for me, there was no satisfaction with what I’d helped to create – essentially our care provider business had become similar to all the others. The business was doing well financially, but I felt under developed spiritually. By 2017, my partner and I decided to separate, and not long after I sold my share of the business.’

Getting into shape

‘I spent a lot of time improving my fitness. When I say a lot of time, I’d joined a gym – meeting up with my personal trainer at 6:30 am three times a week – taken up distance running, along with kettle bell throwing, all with the aim of getting myself in shape and feeling good.’

John and Kay-Leigh in the gym

Along came Kay-Leigh

‘I first met Kay-Leigh when she joined the same gym as a personal trainer – she was very different to anyone I’d met before introducing me to spiritual yoga, which focussed on responsible movement.’

‘Kay-Leigh’s nothing but honest. She walked straight up to me and said: “You know you don’t look anything like the amount of time you spend here?”

Time for change

‘I must admit that while I’d focussed on exercising, I hadn’t considered my diet. Unsurprisingly, with a vast majority of my calories made up of wine and crisps, I felt run down. This had an impact at work and I also had little time for my son, Ben, who was primary age at the time.’

‘Kay-Leigh felt I was too headstrong in one direction. That I needed to do more than just concentrate my fitness regime. She showed me the way forward was through nutrition, explaining it would be a much easier approach.’

John with his son Ben giving the thumbs up sign

John without a shirt illustrating the before and after results of nutrition management

The way forward

“The results blew my mind – it was like magic, and the experience meant I began to question lots of things.

‘I was six months into a separation from my wife at the point Kay-Leigh and I met. We were both dating people, but simultaneously meeting up for coffee and laughing at each other’s differences.’

I was drawn to her spiritual side; it sounds surreal, but it was almost like she’d walked the earth before with her maturity. After her tumultuous life so far, she now simply let the universe guide her.’

Thinking big

‘The time I spent with Kay-Leigh made me reflect. Things I thought were important weren’t important. I owned things I didn’t need. She helped me to explore everything and move to a more simplistic life. I remember thinking everyone would benefit from the time I’d spent with Kay-Leigh.’

‘Bizarrely, it was during an indoor rowing competition at the Olympic velodrome that our relationship began. After moving in together, we made our first trip to South Africa, Kay-Leigh’s birthplace. We both had a vision of creating a retreat where mind, body, exercise, and diet could all thrive in harmony. It was a dream, which didn’t become a reality for various reasons.’

Image of John and Kay-Leigh

John and Kay-Leigh Promoting Nutrition The Core

Nutrition the Core emerges

‘But our visit to South Africa spurred us on to open a callisthenics gym three years ago. We initially held basic classes teaching people how to move effectively and comfortably and we’re delighted to see that gymnastic exercise and nutrition care made them feel liberated. They’d reached out to the child within themselves, with more energy than they’d felt for years.

‘And it wasn’t just the physics of no longer carrying around the weight they’d lost. Our clients were losing weight simply by feeding themselves with nutrients in a way they found easy. Each had a personalised roadmap plan, which they followed every week – they were in a safe place where they felt no judgement and enjoyed fun within ‘their community’.

Facing our financial future

‘But as our client membership began to grow, we needed guidance to financially future proof the business and this is where Gemma came in. She was able to listen and understand our passions, explaining everything in our language.’

‘More than anything Gemma gave us permission to evaluate our own belief system and explore beyond our comfort zone. There was no stereotypical arrogance and fixed mandate, which tends to make you defensive. Gemma was genuinely interested in our world with absolute openness and with an authentic desire to help us.’

Gemma with John and Kay-Leigh

John in sports gear after a 53 mile run

Time to evolve

‘The nutrition side of the business was so popular we decided to close the gym and move to new premises in Northwich. This meant we could concentrate on preventive care at a crucial stage of life, rather than care towards the end of life. Forget Maslow’s traditional hierarchy, it’s more about your position within a community challenging your own limiting force and beliefs. With this approach anything can happen!

World of discovery

John and Kay-Leigh celebrated their partnership fully when they were married in June last year. They’re continuing their journey of discovery (literally), recently visiting Murrieta – between San Diego and Los Angeles – to work for a few days in one of the US’s new nutrition cafes.

Here they learnt more about the cafe’s popular healthy teas and smoothies. These are high in protein, vitamins and minerals, while lower in carbs, calories and sugar, helping to steer people towards a healthier lifestyle.

John, Kay-Leigh and Ben on their wedding day

John, Kay-Leigh and baby Perceigh's fist pushing

And then there were four

“We’re always looking to improve what we offer our clients’, says John, ‘while really appreciating the newly balanced lifestyle Kay-Leigh and I enjoy. My son, Ben, is now 16. We get on well with his mum, sharing our time with him 50/50, so also get to spend family life together. And so we were absolutely delighted when our beautiful baby boy, Perceigh, came along to join our merry band.

‘Kay-Leigh says it was my ability to be the bigger thinker, that attracted her to me’, says John smiling. ‘With her wonderful gift to inspire our clients’ spirituality, we make a great team. And with Gemma as our much-valued financial adviser, we’re looking forward to the future.’

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