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Gemma Darcy APFS, CeMAP

Director & Chartered Financial Planner delivering financial planning advice in a language everyone can understand.

Pension Tax Relief: Still one of your biggest benefits

Pension Tax Relief: Still one of your biggest benefits

One of the biggest benefits of saving into a pension is you receive tax relief up to the higher of £3,600 or 100% of relevant UK earnings capped at the Annual Allowance (£60,000 in 2024/25). How do I receive my pension tax relief? You’ll automatically get 20% basic...

Pension Tax Relief: Still one of your biggest benefits

One of the biggest benefits of saving into a pension is you receive tax relief on everything you pay in up to the annual allowance (currently £60,000 in 2024/25). Discover all the ways pension planing can help ensure you take advantage of any tax benefits available to you personally.

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